
How To Boil Farm Fresh Eggs (Easy Peeling!)

This article will help you learn how to how to perfectly boil farm fresh eggs. Additionally, you’ll learn the simple tricks to peeling them easily!

We had dreamed of having a backyard flock of chickens, with ensuing egg production, for years. Chickens are a valuable learning resource for kids, and their eggs provide amazing nutrition for growing bodies!

Although we love our chickies, we were often disappointed when boiling their fresh eggs.

Beautiful, easy to peel hard boiled eggs from backyard chickens are possible!

Often, the egg shells would be oh so hard to remove. We would lose half the egg to broken chunks of shell, resulting in a not so edible egg. Meal or snack time with boiled eggs was NOT enjoyable!

You shouldn’t cry over spilled milk… but what about a ruined fresh boiled egg?

Finally, after much trial and error, we found the perfect recipe for boiling fresh eggs…

How Do You Boil Farm Fresh Eggs?

The quick answer on how to hard boil farm fresh eggs:

To hard boil fresh farm eggs, bring a large pot of water to boil (3-4 inches deep with water). Remove boiling water from heat and reduce burner setting to low. Carefully add eggs into hot water, place pot back on burner. Cover with lid and gently simmer for 12-13 minutes. Remove from heat, and immediately add eggs into an ice bath. Wait 5 minutes, then peel.

Read on for step by step instructions!

How To Hard Boil Fresh Eggs So The Shells Peel Off Easily
Easy peeled hard boiled eggs with perfect in tact egg yolks… yum.

The Perfect Boiled Egg

I was determined to learn how to boil our farm fresh eggs successfully. I wanted the shells to slide off easily, so little fingers could peel. And, we wanted the texture to be perfect. We wanted a slightly firm egg yoke that still crumbled with a soft, yet fully cooked, egg white.

How can something so simple be so complicated?! 😉

Read the beginner’s guide to raising chickens here!

Supplies Needed For Boiling Fresh Eggs:

In order to boil farm fresh eggs for easy peeling, you’ll need the following:

  • Eggs
  • A large pot and lid
  • A large ladle
  • Water
  • A large bowl for cooling eggs
  • Ice

Tip: Wash Your Fresh Eggs Before Boiling, Using This Tutorial.

How To Hard Boil Eggs Step By Step:

These step by step instructions will show you how to boil 7-10 farm fresh eggs at a time. Be sure not to crowd your eggs in the pot.

Step 1: Fill Pot With Water To Cover Eggs

Fill your pot with warm water, enough to cover the top of your eggs (about 3 inches). Be sure there is enough water to thoroughly cover the top of the eggs.

Add 2-3 inches of water into a large pot to boil farm fresh eggs within.

Step 2: Bring Water To A Rolling Boil And Prepare Ice Bath

Set pot on stove burner, and turning on “high”, let water come to a rolling boil.

During this time, prepare an ice bath with cold water and 5-6 ice cubes.

Pot of water boiling, getting ready to hard boil farm fresh eggs.

Prepare Ice Bath For Hard Boiled Eggs:

Set up an area away from the hot stove for this step. Prepare ice bath using very cold water and a handful of ice cubes.

Prepare an ice bath for hard boiled farm fresh eggs to cool in.  Add eggs into cold water bath after boiling.

Step 3: Remove Pot From Burner And Add Eggs

Remove pot from burner and reduce burner to low setting. Using ladle, add eggs one at a time. Gently lower eggs into water to prevent cracking.

Gently Lower fresh backyard chicken eggs into pot of hot boiling water.

Step 4: Set Pot Back On Burner and Add Lid

Now that your eggs are in the pot of hot water, immediately set your pot back on the burner. (Make sure your burner is now on low setting.)

Add a lid over the top of your pot.

Step 5: Simmer Your Fresh Eggs For 12-13 Minutes

With lid over your pot of farm eggs and your stove on low setting, set the timer for 12 minutes and let gently simmer.

For a crumbly, completely cooked egg yolk, simmer for 13 minutes.

For softer egg yolks, simmer for 12 minutes.

Step 6: Remove Eggs From Boiling Water and Add To Ice Bath

Remove pan from heat. Wait one minute, then, carefully spoon out your boiled eggs one by one and add to ice bath. Let eggs sit in the ice bath for at least 5 minutes.

Freshly boiled backyard chicken eggs in an ice bath.

Step 7: Peel Eggs

The secret to easily removing the shell from hard boiled eggs is to remove the egg shell immediately. So, don’t set your boiled eggs aside and wait to peel.

Leave the eggs in the ice bath for 3 minutes, then peel eggs immediately after water bath for best results. If you wait, the shell will cling to the egg and become harder to remove.

Gently crack eggs on hard surface and carefully peel off outer shell. And… voila, you should have a lovely, whole egg beneath the easy to peel shell!

If you do wait to peel your eggs, they will still be easy to peel using this method. Peeling them immediately after allows for the eggshells to easily and almost effortlessly peel off. So, immediate peeling is best practice. However, we have successfully peeled hard boiled eggs that are a few days old using this method.

A farm fresh backyard chicken egg that is easy being peeled easily.

Enjoy Freshly Boiled Eggs, Or Refrigerate!

Immediately consume your fresh boiled eggs (they disappear quickly if you add salt and involve children!). Or, refrigerate to enjoy all week long. I like to make a big batch of a dozen hard boiled eggs, shuck them, and use them as healthy superfood snacks for the kids throughout the week.

Hard boiled eggs are also the perfect Paleo or Whole 30 based snack! Add salt, pepper, and a salad!

Hard boiled farm fresh eggs with shells that peel off easily!

Recipe For Boiling Backyard Chicken Eggs:

Farm Fresh Hard Boiled Eggs

Jamie Saechao
Learn how to hard boil farm fresh eggs and end up with easy to peel egg shells!
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 22 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Servings 8 servings
Calories 80 kcal


  • 1 Large Pot With Lid
  • 1 Ladle
  • 1 Large Bowl


  • 7-10 single Eggs Wash fresh eggs before boiling.


  • Fill pot with enough hot water to cover eggs (about 3 inches)
  • With pot on burner, set burner to HIGH heat setting
  • Let water come to a rolling boil
  • Take pot off heat, reduce burner to low
  • Wait one minute
  • Gently lower eggs one by one into heated water
  • Make ice water by filling large bowl with cold water and a handful of ice cubes
  • Put pot with eggs back on burner and cover with lid
  • Set timer for 12 minutes, allow eggs to simmer
  • When timer ends, remove pot from heat and let sit for 1 minute
  • Lower eggs into ice water one by one and then wait 5 minutes
  • Immediately peel all eggs and consume or refrigerate


*The size of the pot will determine how many eggs you can boil at once.   I can boil up to 10 eggs at a time using a 16 quart pot.
*For purposes of this recipe, each egg is one serving.  Calories vary on size of egg, but on average each egg is 80 calories.

Questions + Answers On Boiling Farm Fresh Eggs!

I hope you are enjoying your delicious and nutritious farm fresh, boiled eggs. Here are a few frequently asked questions about the process!

How Long Do Farm Fresh Hard Boiled Eggs Last?

Farm fresh hard boiled eggs can last up to a week in the fridge and be consumed up to 7 days. (See this article from healthline for more information).

What’s The Best Way To Eat Boiled Eggs?

The best way to eat hard boiled eggs is to add salt and pepper and enjoy! You can add boiled eggs to salads, mix with mayo for a sandwich, or add to a picnic styled lunch with fruit and veggie on the side.

Here are a few other ideas to enjoy your boiled eggs:

  • Create deviled eggs and enjoy
  • Chop and warm them, add to a breakfast burrito with potatoes and ham
  • Add them to potato salad
Shiny and fresh! Hard boiled eggs from backyard chickens.

Should I Wash Farm Fresh Eggs Before Boiling?

If your eggs are soiled with dirt or manure, I would definitely wash them before boiling. Fresh farm eggs have a beautiful, protective outer coating called the bloom that protects them from bacteria, so if not soiled you do not need to wash them! You can read my article about washing farm eggs here.

Is It Easier To Boil Fresh Eggs Or Older Eggs?

I have boiled week old eggs and day old eggs. Both have worked fine from my experience, but many people advocate using older eggs for easier peeling. If you have actively laying chickens, feel free to experiment on egg age for boiling.

What Is The Secret To Peeling Boiled Eggs?

The secret to peeling boiled eggs easily:

  • Cover your pan while cooking your eggs to create steam
  • Give your eggs a cold water ice bath for 5 minutes
  • Tap and gently peel your egg immediately after cooking

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  1. I tried to make deviled eggs for Easter and lost almost half of them due to being hard to peel. Who knew farm fresh eggs would have a dark side?! ha. Thanks for the tips. I will give it a try!

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